In Honor of the 1989 Disney classic animated fairytale "The Little Mermaid" celebrated it's 30th Anniversary with a Live-Rendition of the movie on the ABC Special this past Tuesday. With raved reviews and fans loving the Disney classic Jesse Vega had to re-vamp and re-record one of his favorite Disney classic villains of all time "Ursula's" powerful musical score of the film "Poor Unfortunate Souls".
Jesse has spoke vocally on social media that he has previously released the audio version twice. Once in 2010 and again in 2014, but none of them was the right versions to be ready to be released for the world on music outlets professionally. Just a few hours ago he has finally got it right as he released a sneak peek of the brand new 2019 version. In support to promote the 30th anniversary the new audio version is released right now Nov 8,2019.
"Poor Unfortunate Souls" recorded/mixed/mastered by Jesse Vega.
recorded-Feb 2019.
Single cover attached!!
Links to the audio right now!